My first experience with E2E: Jest and Puppeteer

I have heard a lot of E2E tests and how important they are to make products, especially the front-end side, more robust. However, I did not have any chance to work with them.

And just in time, when working in Edit Flow, there was a strange issue that E2E tests failed, then suddenly worked, and then failed. I worked on it and learned a few interesting things.

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First Experience with CI: GitHub Actions vs Travis CI vs CircleCI

I did not have any experience with CI until recently. The first task was quite easy when I need to configure the auto-deploy process from GitHub to a site on VIP. It was pretty straightforward as the most complicated task (script for CI) was created already.

The second task was to convert current CI tests from Travis to GitHub Actions (GHA), I have worked on Edit Flow, which is an over-10-year-old plugin. A challenge for me is that tests on Travis all failed.

Continue reading “First Experience with CI: GitHub Actions vs Travis CI vs CircleCI”